5 Reasons Why You Should Attend ICFF 2018 – One of the top North America’s platform for global design, the ICFF 2018 event is nearing, and will once again show us what is best and what is next from May 20 to 23 and it will take place in the New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.
For the whole four days of the event, Javits Center will be crowded with more than 36,000 interior designers, architects, retailers, representatives, distributors, facility managers, developers, manufacturers, store designers and visual merchindisers that are excited to exhibit their products, talents and ideas to an enthisiastic New York crowd. The reason that lead to the creation of this list is for you to have better understanding and knowledge about the event and why you should attend it!
1 – It’s in New York! – This fantastic event is happening in one of the most astonishing cities in the world, where the notion of design is in a constant evolution. Attending to ICFF gives you the perfect excuse to stop by the city that never sleeps!
2 – Opening Party! If you are attending this event, don’t miss their opening party. Officialy the event starts on the 20th of May but the opning party is on the 21st from 7 to 10 pm. The party consists of a gala with open bar, a lot of hors d’oeuvres and live entertainment!
3 – The Covet Group will be present! With more than 800 brands representing their countries and own aesthetic, Covet Group will also be present, showcasing their luxury brands like Essential Home, DelightFull, PullCast and Brabbu and hopefully inspiring all the professionals and general public that will attend this amazing event on the 23rd!
4 – Terry Crews will present his amazing collection! Terry Crews is already known in the international contemporary design fair in New York, since he has been attending the ICFF for quite some time. This time, Terry Crews will be one of the event’s hosts while presenting us with his new and stunning furniture collection line he launched last year!
5 – Great for networking. Since the first three days of the fair are exclusive to professionals, this international fair is an ideal place to do some networking and learning more about the present brands, don’t lose this opportunity, talk to everyone and make new connections!
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Modern lobby in Moscow combines brass, marble & special lamps