Are you looking forward to Valentines Day? I am… So much!!! Whether you spend your Valentine’s Day with your favorite sweetheart, your best friends or in restful solitude, I’ve always felt it’s a day to celebrate. It’s about luxuries both large and small. It’s about taking the time to make heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast.
It’s about bringing out the good china and real linen napkins and candlesticks for a romantic dinner (even hamburgers say, “I love you” when served properly). It’s about building a fire even if it’s 80 degrees outside because firelight is always pretty. It’s about any of the little things that you do to make the ones you love feel special. I hope the following inspires you to make your Valentine’s a little more special.
At Wikihow i was lucky to read a couple of magnificent ideas to create a love story at home.
Choose candles in romantic or sweet scents. Red, white or pink candles in scents of vanilla, rose, cupcakes or brown sugar will make your house smell like baked goods and Valentine’s Day candy.
Have a look at Red Room of 50 shades of Grey
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Inspired by wild, passionate nights of the Spanish dance, the Sevilliana sofa design embodies the graceful curves and attire of Sevillana dancing girls. Become entranced in the movement of modern lines drawing your eye down to the flirtatious fringe that skirts the base.
Place bowls of candy throughout the house or room. For a fancier twist, place the candy in a fake crystal bowl or on a cupcake tray.
Check this – Decorate your room in the Valentines Style
Buy flowers. Traditionally, red and white roses are given during Valentine’s Day. You may also choose pink flowers, such as carnations to add to your centerpiece and vases.
Make a banner or garland. Although banners that say “Happy Valentine’s Day” are available at craft stores and online, you can also choose to make a homemade banner.
Make homemade Valentine’s cards for your loved ones. Use card stock, lace doilies and glue to layer a heart design. Color your valentine with colored pencils, markers or crayons.
On Valentine’s Day everything should be perfect for your date or the person you already love. Decorate your house in various ways. Here are the variants: hang a garland of hearts, a wreath, put some candles, flowers and jars with heart-shaped candies. Take some decorative plates, flower balls, cardboard with saying and proverbs about love or just with love expressions. Take pillows with cupids and hearts; make some decorations and installation of paper flowers and hearts yourself. No matter, natural or paper flowers you take – both are good for decoration. Make a garland of your photos together. Enjoy the atmosphere created!