*Written by: Marta Pereira
The new interior design trends 2015 may be spotted only by Style Spotters at High Point Market this autumn. Thus, our blog Modern Home Decor suggests to find out more about style spotters of High Point this year.
What do we about these people? Sponsored by Crypton Home Fabric, the Style Spotters are home fashion trendsetters that showcase top trends at Market. They know everything about fashion trends and styles. Touring High Point’s showrooms, the Style Spotters post and curate their favorite looks to special Pinterest boards.
Some of the Style Spotters may be seen below:
Leslie Hendrix Wood
Focused gracious living, timeless design and family traditions, Leslie is a practicing luxury interior designer in Midland, Texas. Her well known lifestyle and design blog, Hadley Court, has received major national awards.
Michelle Jennings Wiebe
Specializing in sophisticated luxury new construction interiors, Michelle Jennings Wiebe is the 2013 two-time Style Spotter winner.
Patti Johnson
Passion for interior design drives Patti to constantly seek out new and innovative products as she defines whole home design from a core principal of cohesiveness and a clean aesthetic.
This time in October everyone will be able to meet the style spotters.
There is an opportunity to enjoy their company as the panel of 2015 High Point Market Style Spotters offers expert insights into the leading looks and on-trend products from Fall Market. After the panel concludes, the visitors may join favorite Style Spotter for a tour of his or her favorite showrooms. Tours will begin at 10:30am, leaving from the Ballroom and will last approximately one hour. The affair will be according to these details:
Tuesday, October 20
IHFC Green Wing, 11th Floor, Ballroom A
All in all, it seems to be a crucial part of the High Point Market to have Style Spotters, as it makes this furniture fair remarkable and more exiting for the attendance.